Conductor Training Course in Caduceus Centre

Conductor Training Course in Caduceus Centre, Northern Germany
for CONDUCTORS AND CANDIDATES within Inayatiyya Healing
with Kabir Findeisen, Zahira Limpius, Khair un Nisa Veigt, Sarfaraz Püscher Findeisen, Sarida Brown, and others.
The next meeting will take place from Friday, November 15th at 18.00 CET until Sunday, February 17th at 13.00 CET This weekend, we will focus on the breath.
Language: German
We offer a conductor training for conductors and those who want lead Inayatiyya healing services. It is based on a curriculum by Sarida Brown which we will then continue to work with in the following meetings. The contents of the training are the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, also in connection with practices of spiritual healing from other traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, shamanism, and others.
Next meetings:
May, 16th ‑ 18th in 2025
October, 31st ‑ November 2nd in 2025
February, 6th ‑ 8th in 2026
November, 6th ‑ 8th in 2026
and more (continuously).