A network of people worldwide who feel inspired to help transform illness and suffering into wholeness and greater unity – for individuals, groups and the planet. We work through prayer, circles of prayer and energy healing, and sharing how the simple beauty of healing is a gift that everyone can offer in various ways in all aspects of daily and sacred life – the spark of divine healing is in every being.
Inayatiyya Healing is part of the Sufi vision of love, harmony and beauty brought by Hazrat Inayat Khan: an inclusive path, honouring all sacred traditions, and open to everyone. There are local groups and we run courses and retreats, and join with all healers in unveiling the capacity for healing that is in the heart of humanity.
'The purpose of the Sufi Healing Order is to awaken humanity to a greater realization of the power of the Divine Spirit to heal, and thus to bring about a better state of physical, mental and spiritual health, and so to fulfill the law of God. The basic principle of the Order is that the soul is Divine Breath. It purifies, revivifies and heals the instrument through which it functions.'
Hazrat Inayat Khan
A network of people worldwide who feel inspired to help transform illness and suffering into wholeness and greater unity – for individuals, groups and the planet. We work through prayer, circles of prayer and energy healing, and sharing how the simple beauty of healing is a gift that everyone can offer in various ways in all aspects of daily and sacred life – the spark of divine healing is in every being.
Inayatiyya Healing is part of the Sufi vision of love, harmony and beauty brought by Hazrat Inayat Khan: an inclusive path, honouring all sacred traditions, and open to everyone. There are local groups and we run courses and retreats, and join with all healers in unveiling the capacity for healing that is in the heart of humanity.
'The purpose of the Sufi Healing Order is to awaken humanity to a greater realization of the power of the Divine Spirit to heal, and thus to bring about a better state of physical, mental and spiritual health, and so to fulfill the law of God. The basic principle of the Order is that the soul is Divine Breath. It purifies, revivifies and heals the instrument through which it functions.'
Hazrat Inayat Khan
A network of people worldwide who feel inspired to help transform illness and suffering into wholeness and greater unity – for individuals, groups and the planet. We work through prayer, circles of prayer and energy healing, and sharing how the simple beauty of healing is a gift that everyone can offer in various ways in all aspects of daily and sacred life – the spark of divine healing is in every being.
Inayatiyya Healing is part of the Sufi vision of love, harmony and beauty brought by Hazrat Inayat Khan: an inclusive path, honouring all sacred traditions, and open to everyone. There are local groups and we run courses and retreats, and join with all healers in unveiling the capacity for healing that is in the heart of humanity.
'The purpose of the Sufi Healing Order is to awaken humanity to a greater realization of the power of the Divine Spirit to heal, and thus to bring about a better state of physical, mental and spiritual health, and so to fulfill the law of God. The basic principle of the Order is that the soul is Divine Breath. It purifies, revivifies and heals the instrument through which it functions.'
Hazrat Inayat Khan
A network of people worldwide who feel inspired to help transform illness and suffering into wholeness and greater unity – for individuals, groups and the planet. We work through prayer, circles of prayer and energy healing, and sharing how the simple beauty of healing is a gift that everyone can offer in various ways in all aspects of daily and sacred life – the spark of divine healing is in every being.
Inayatiyya Healing is part of the Sufi vision of love, harmony and beauty brought by Hazrat Inayat Khan: an inclusive path, honouring all sacred traditions, and open to everyone. There are local groups and we run courses and retreats, and join with all healers in unveiling the capacity for healing that is in the heart of humanity.
'The purpose of the Sufi Healing Order is to awaken humanity to a greater realization of the power of the Divine Spirit to heal, and thus to bring about a better state of physical, mental and spiritual health, and so to fulfill the law of God. The basic principle of the Order is that the soul is Divine Breath. It purifies, revivifies and heals the instrument through which it functions.'
Hazrat Inayat Khan

Dear Companions on the Path,
As news reaches us today of intense fighting in Israel and Gaza, please join me in sending prayers for the safety of all who are in harm’s way, reciting “Amaan” (Sanctuary) 101, 301, or 501 times a day.

Dear Companions on the Path,
As news reaches us today of intense fighting in Israel and Gaza, please join me in sending prayers for the safety of all who are in harm’s way, reciting “Amaan” (Sanctuary) 101, 301, or 501 times a day.
Liebe Gefährtinnen und Gefährten auf dem Weg,
Da uns heute Nachrichten über heftige Kämpfe in Israel und Gaza erreichen, möchte ich Sie bitten, sich mir anzuschließen und für die Sicherheit all derer zu beten, die sich in Gefahr befinden, indem Sie 101, 301 oder 501 Mal am Tag "Amaan" (Zuflucht) rezitieren.
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Liebe Gefährtinnen und Gefährten auf dem Weg,
Da uns heute Nachrichten über heftige Kämpfe in Israel und Gaza erreichen, möchte ich Sie bitten, sich mir anzuschließen und für die Sicherheit all derer zu beten, die sich in Gefahr befinden, indem Sie 101, 301 oder 501 Mal am Tag "Amaan" (Zuflucht) rezitieren.
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Liebe Gefährtinnen und Gefährten auf dem Weg,
Da uns heute Nachrichten über heftige Kämpfe in Israel und Gaza erreichen, möchte ich Sie bitten, sich mir anzuschließen und für die Sicherheit all derer zu beten, die sich in Gefahr befinden, indem Sie 101, 301 oder 501 Mal am Tag "Amaan" (Zuflucht) rezitieren.
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Quote of the Day